In her article, 'The Real War in Mexico: How Democracy Can Defeat the Drug Cartel', Shannon O'neil makes the argument that democracy can be the force that makes the situation all better. One quote stood out to me where she stated,
"The civilian-controlled military has already extinguished any real guerilla threats.." and then goes on to talk about how Mexico is a legitimate country that holds fair elections and runs schools.
A civilian-controlled military? The problem is these "civilians" who run the military are the ones keeping the cartel alive. You can't tell me that a large majority of "civilians" are also doing drugs on the side! With the economy the way it is, people are looking to feel happy and content with themselves. By getting high and doing drugs, they are temporarily getting that feeling by doing drugs. I can't think of the exact reason why this is such a huge problem, because there are many. But I can tell you, "democracy" won't fix it. Sorry all you dreamers out there, but when you rely on the people who are doing the drugs to stop the drug sales, you got a little problem.
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