reason why I chose Walt Disney is that he is the kind of person that cares
about the people around him, and is open minded about what other people have to
say about him or his work. Who doesn’t like the person that invented Mickey Mouse?
He was a character and American dreamer and definitely entertainment visionary.
The Poem:
There was a man named Walt Disney
Whose imagination did soar,
He created many visions
And gave us so much more
He created and turned
All his thought into a place,
Where everyone feels good
And wears smiles upon their face
He also brought to life
Many characters that he drew,
Was one determined goal
Was with thought for me and you
He is a fine example
Of what someone can do,
When believing in their dreams
And making them come true.
The Image of the Poem
Walt, Disney American dreamer and entertainment
Nice creative work, Farhiya and thanks for posting this. Good combination of sound and sense here!