Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Barber Shops

I look forward to my pay checks every other week for many reasons of course. However, one of the main things I look forward to is going to get my haircut. Since I was about 12 the same guy has cut my hair in downtown Marysville. Having someone else cut my hair just seems weird. I think local barber shops are a must in a community looking to be thriving. Among several reasons, here are 3 main ones: News/current events Source, community support and friendly service from people you know.
            For many people, local barber shops and beauty salons are where they get their news and find out what is going on in the world around them and in the community. Obviously the biggest area is probably sports. Every time I go in to get my haircut, the same group of guys is in there and we talk sports. Barber shops are a great place to find out what is going on in the world and to hear other people’s opinion on certain tings. It’s like a mini debate room with different opinions flying around while getting a haircut. This article on ( ) “Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Activities”,  really hits on that area in its first paragraph. I chose this article because is a pretty significant website that people read.
            Feeling apart of a community is a must. If you don’t feel like you belong to anybody, I assume it’s pretty lame. Local sports teams and little league teams are always supported by barber shops and beauty salons. Every window in there is filled with that season’s high school schedule and all the old timers in the seats love talking about how their team is going to win it all this year. So many people come through barber shops and even though they’re different, they all belong to the same community and that in itself is something to be proud of. This article from a New York City paper describes a barber shop coming together for its community to help fight cancer,
                Going to a big chain barber shops such as “Great Clips” can be a drag. First of all, they almost always jack up the price. My barber has always charged me $10 for a cut, straight blade neck trim with a hot towel. At places like “Sport Clips” the same treatment can be bought for almost double the price (  Also in my opinion, why go to a big chain place to get a haircut from someone right out of college when you can go to a local barber shop who has probably been cutting hair longer than the whole Sports Clips stylist combined? Local barbers are more passionate about what they do because obviously, they opened their own store. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Links to research help

Students:  This is on your Handout for the source evaluation assignment, but I'll make it linkable on the blog here for ease of use, too. 

 Here are some links if you need to know more about doing research and evaluation sources.  I suggest you read them and make use of them.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Agriculture in the Local Economy

The skill of farming and agriculture is one historically based a hard work ethic, good morals, and the sense of local community. In modern agriculture even though the level of technology has gone up extremely, creating a higher efficiency, the cost of that increase is the loss of the image of "fresh local produce." Did you know that "A typical carrot has to travel 1,838 miles to reach your dinner table?" This is a sad fact of the food we all eat everyday. If local farmers were able to have more of a local market instead of a global one, they may be able to bring sustainability to the local economy and provide the small towns they practice in a healthier, more trustworthy source for their food. Also, typically farms are part of a family tradition, and are "handed down" from generation to generation reassuring the people within the community that as long as there are farms, their local economy can be upheld.


After reading " Presence of Fear"  what came across my mind was how farmers now days are using technology. Early in the 19's people use to do things with hands not with technology. As the years go by our environment is changing. When machinery was developed farmers began to grow bigger. Many farmers began to grow corps, corn, and soybeans. The development of the machinery a lot of farmers got what they were looking for. 

Exploration five

This book named ''in the presence of Fear".when i had read i realized that the worldwide economic became the fast foods because the fast foods are more growing.i think the reason why people don't want to cook is because most of the people didn't have time to cook.i believe cooking home is more healthy because for the restaurants you will never know what they had to your food.i think this book talks about more about the economic Wal-mart and those other markets are taking over the local business.and also the fast foods are same like that because now days we don't spend our time to cook food our home.Because they believe that if they cook at home they will spend time but they don't see their health and how much money they spend at restaurants.i think fast foods are unhealthy and the reason why most people are getting fat and sick is because of the restaurants.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

By reading this book in the presence of fear make me think back to our own culture or as human being. We forget cooking at home to our self or as family eating because of we make our self busy day and night so that we make easy to go out and eat fast food which is unhealthy. But this generation they like to eat out instill cooking home.  Cooking home is healthy and  cheaper then eating out special families  because each person will cost their own menu and when they cook on their home is less money because they eating  one thing  together. Cooking at home just need to spend food for week but eating out spend for anytime you visit there.


Exploration 5

"In the presence of Fear", it made me realize that over the years the society has changed from growing their own vegetables and raising their own chicken to depending on processed meat and vegetables that is unhealthy for them and their children. It doesn't take that long to grow vegetable but our generation has became lazy and they want the easy way out just buying the produce from the grocery store and that costs a fortune. Planting your vegetable on your garden will cost less money and you know what is in the product. The prepackaged produce is unhealthy for us but it seems we don't care about our health, we have ready made, easy to buy, easy to cook. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cooking at Home

by reading the Book in the presence of fear I came a cross that we as a human being are loosing the power of being a human and destroying fundamental theory of we are capable of. We are relying on fast food, hotdog stands, pizza delivary,quick bite  and so on. we are not respecting nature nor using our God given brains to serve our needs.With instant food much more accessible and far better than preparing our own meals in terms of time consumed, the benefits of home cooking are ignored and becoming less and less frequent. decades ago one parent atleat stayed home to cook food for their kids but now both parents are working to survive from this financial crisis so it gives the parents an excuse not to cook it also takes the value of homecooking benefits. home is a great way of saving money and time. According to the food editorials "Home cooking is better than prepackaged food for a variety of reasons". It is more nutritious, you can control exactly what ingredients are used, and it tastes better.  homecooking doesnt need that much of knowledge, it is very easy steps if you have good understandable recipes , the more you cook the better cooker you become. unlike fast food restraunts You get what you want to eat at home. While you get to choose from a restaurant menu, you are still limited to what they want you to eat. At home, you know you have limitless possibilities over the kinds of food you want.When it comes down to feeding your body and mind, nothing is superior to preparing your food from scratch, with quality ingredients and served with love, basically you controling your diet when you cook your own food but If you buy ready-to-eat food outside, you have no control over the ingredients they put. If they serve it to you, you just eat it. We are blaming technology for our mistakes, technolgy doesnt control us but we are letting it to control our perspective ideology and sense of abilities that we have been granted.  moerover, home cooking is good way to be in touch with friends and families to come over and dine together with a healthy food and hours of fun and meaningful bondings. it aslo improves cooking skills the more you cook the better cooker you become

Exploration Five! Restaurants!

    The book called "In the Presence of Fear" made me realized how many things have changed over the years. An example would be people’s eating habits, it has changed and the cause is because of the growth of restaurants and eating clubs which has raised a peek over the years.  Centuries ago people were eating more healthy food because they were growing their own food and planting their foods not to even mention that most of it was homemade foods. I realized that this new century has more unhealthy people then many years ago. Now day’s the reason people are depending on restaurants are because they have an easy excess to it and they never have the time to make homemade food.  There are many people who are struggling with overweight and unhealthy issues because they are eating from restaurants such as McDonalds and Wendy’s.

Local Theater

Community Theater, local perfromances of art and plays.
Community theater not only continues the pratice of the arts, but gives the youth of a community something to do outside of school, welcoming those of all ages to participate and enjoy. It provides a genrally inexpensive hobby for some and an equally inexpensive and easily accesible cultural experience for others.

Exploration Five

 "In the Presence of Fear", it has made me discover an entire new outlook on how a vairety of things have changed over time throughout society. a subject that I feel that has changed my own community are the small town shops. Wal-Mart has taken over the city, resulting in a negative outcome for those small businesses. There are many problems with this, such as traditional views for families and not being able to provide for their loved ones. I feel that obtaining your own small town shop can be desribed as a trade, skill and art. It's a trade because it is most likely past down from family history. It's a skill to keep the business open, and from competing with other stores that may be larger and have a abundance of supplies. Also, its an art, because not a lot of small town shops still exist, and over time has become a beauty to those in and out of the community. This is valuable for two reasons, it allows tradition to be continued and teaches a lesson to those who are younger in the community that we should spend our money locally to keep the town alive. Small town shops allow families job opportunities.

               Vegetable gardening is a relatively easy activity that can be done in a small or large yard. All it takes is seeds, good soil, water, and time. With these three things the benefits include, but are not limited to, more family time and saving money.
                A vegetable garden of any size is something that can bring a bond to families. In today’s world, many families are struggling to find a way to spend time together. To garden, there are many steps to start, and carry on the process, which could be assigned as a specific job to each member of the family. To prepare the garden, one person could till the soil, another sort the seeds, plant them, mark what is what, and water. It is easily a 5 step job that could be used to bring the family closer in working together.  Not to mention, taking care of it until the end of the season. Each could take turns watering and looking for ripe crop every day.
                Vegetable gardening is also a money saver. When buying from the store, not only are you paying for the produce, but also the shipping, handling, and other miscellaneous costs. If you did it yourself, you could be only paying for the seeds. Seeds normally cost about $2.00 or less and there are normally about 20 or so seeds in a packet. That’s about 10 cents per vegetable. At the store, on average, each vegetable is about $1.50 plus per pound- Seems like a good deal to me. 

In recent times, we have witnessed an influx in fiction novel popularity. This could be based on the increased conversion to film of popular fiction novels or more intense marketing techniques, while there are other fields that have seen a decline such as poetry.  Once a heavily weighted muse in the early to middle 1900’s, poetry was published in major newspapers, magazines, and produced on radio.  Since this time, there has been a drastic decline in popularity.  What appears to be a fading art form is being saved by local small publishing houses and journals.  Small market publishers are able to spend more time with authors, and the editors are able to insure that authors are capable of producing solid material.  The use of journals comes without compensation, but allows authors the ability to get their name in the mainstream; this link of local talent, journals, and small publications helps to support local arts and local business.  The biggest profit to small publications is the fact that they are able to view local talent that some larger publications may pass on.  Small publications can also find profit in the support of local work using word of mouth and the artistic community as a driving factor. A problem with this is the fading of both the publications, fading art, and diminishing art communities.  There are other problems facing these small publishers, journals, and poets. Commercial business such as who now makes it available for anyone to produce and sell their own pieces is a good example. There are several concerns that stem from these growing issues - the stability of writing and production value with everyone being able to produce their own work and allowing mediocrity to overwhelm literature like it has television and radio.  The extinction of small publishing houses and journals along with newspaper appear evident.  With the local small publications and journals fading may also lead to poetries demise. This, along with the gleaming concept of quality in self -publishing, it also destroys livelihoods of both publisher and writer.  The growing fad of fiction will dull  much like that of any big thing in pop culture, and then, much like poetry, it to could begin to fade; at this point there may be no local publisher to produce and distribute deserving authors.  The big question is local artist and writers becoming dinosaurs?  With the growth of technology is writing becoming dumbed down, and our literary value.  These concepts of writing and publication allow corporate America’s laziness to increase, and any stature of writing to be produced with disregard for editing, quality, or economic stability.   Society already suffers a downgraded syntax with texting, and abandonment of historical writings such as poetry.  This is no longer a question of poetry, but knowledge that commercial business is driving away small business, muting qualified writers, and down grading intellect.  

Friday, April 20, 2012

Local Economy

A local practice or economy that I think would have great value in our society in America is the raising of livestock and the growing of food. Today with the emergence of big corporations, the food industry has become more about efficiency and making the food more appealing. Even if this means growing, or raising food through unnatural processes. For instance cattle is typically fed corn in order to obtain higher caloric intake and as a result grow faster. However their stomachs are made to digest grass, not corn. Not only are they given unnatural diets, but they are also given growth hormones in order to grow more efficiently. This is an example of how big corporations are making our food much more unnatural and unhealthy for us to eat in order to process food more efficiently. This is where local farms could step in and supply our local supermarkets with the necessary food. By doing so could reduce the amount of processing and give us more natural, healthy food. This will give local communities more healthier food, as well as keeping the economy local as far as food goes. It will help create more local jobs and will help keep money in the community.


Our environment has been changing for the past years. After reading "Presence of Fear"  It brought to my mind that now days everyone hates farming. Technology does the work for us. it want from people farming to now machines farming for us.even people that owned farms before now they don't have it anymore because they rater go to Walmart and get their groceries from there.Farm is important to our environment and having a fresh food is better than having food that being outside for days.,r:7,s:0,i:151

Exploration 5

After reading the first two chapters in "In the Presence of Fear", it has made me think a lot about the community and how it has changed. I have decided to write about gardening and growing plants at home. Many people have stopped growing gardens and are buying more food and processed foods now than ever. There are many problems concerning the declining of gardens which include health, skills, and the environment. It is easy to say that if someone gardens they are more likely to eat healthier. This is because they have fresh fruit and vegetables growing right in their backyard. This cuts down on the processed and instant foods that they buy and eat. A second reason why gardening is beneficial is because it provides skills. The more you garden the more you learn, such as healthy lifestyles and a sense of responsibility. While i was in elementary school we would raise plants in our classrooms for fundraisers and it taught us responsibility, and made us in charge of making sure they were taken care of every day. The final argument for gardens is the environment. Along with making healthier choices, it inevitably cuts down on pollution because there is less processed and boxed foods being made. Which saves on packaging and the air given off from the companies. These are just a few arguments on why gardening is good and why the practice should not be lost.


I have decided to talk about something that is very controversial among parents, homeschooling. My cousin  has 4 children and she has home schooled all of them from day one. her oldest who is only 16 has already graduated and is taking college classes. I always said there would be no way i would home school, because where would they get the social interaction. I thought I'm not equipped to teach my children the things they need to know, I'm doing good just to learn myself. well that all changed for me last year when my youngest was struggling beyond my comprehension. ever since he entered into kindergarten he struggled. we held him back his kindergarten year and continued as a team by that i mean his teachers, school principle, and so on to get him all the help that was needed to me successful. we put him in title 1 reading, he was receiving speech therapy and still wasn't progressing. finally the school had enough information to take to a B.A.T meeting to have him tested for a learning disability. His test came back that yes in deed he did qualify but this was at the end of his 3rd grade year and so he wouldn't be able to start getting the special ed. help that he needed till the beginning of 4th grade, unfortunately by this time the damage had already started to take effect. my son at this age had already realized something was wrong with him and he was not like any of his other peers at school. his self esteem had bottomed out. He would wake up in the morning throwing up and with direah every morning because of his nerves about going to school. This would go on through out the day. finally i couldn't stand to see my little boy in so much stress that i started checking into homeschooling and talking to other parents who home school (including my cousin). My husband and i talked it over and we found a program we thought would work for our family and so now my son is home school and his confidence level has improved tremendously. I agree homeschooling is not for everyone, it takes alot of hard work and dedication but for my son it has been the best desicion we have made. I have attached a url so that you can see some pro's and con's to homeschooling

this is just one of the many joys of homeschooling. arts and crafts:)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Do it yourself" by Esah

In reading Wendell Berry’s first essay a great deal is revealed about how he perceives the changing world and the growing economy. For me, one of the biggest local practices that we as Americans have lost is the ability to be self sufficient and capable of living off the land. This basic ability, which has been passed down for centuries has in recent years been lost to an ever evolving and developing world where technology and corporations are taking over what was one family tradition.
Wendell Berry in his essay explains that many of the local practices our ancestors all practiced have disappeared. Large scale business and trade have increased the ease and convenience of acquiring goods, and people have sold their self sustainability for ease and simplicity. Now when people need vegetables or meat, they simply drive down the road to the Kroger or Walmart and buy everything they need. When the car that we use breaks down or has issues, we simply use our cell phones to call a towing service which takes the vehicle to a repair shop and we simply pay to have specialists fix it. All over, we have lost our abilities to do many of the simple tasks for living. Our society has become one of incredible precision and specialization, where even medicine is broken into millions of specialized fields and common house hold doctors are becoming a thing of the past.
In understanding the skill of being self sufficient, one has to look at all the uses it has in making our lives livable. Being able to grow your own food for example is a very crucial part of being able to survive. Few people today know all the complex factors of gardening for example. It’s not as simple as putting seeds in the ground, as many would believe. Everything from soil PH to the amount of light to even the water amount and plants around your garden all play a pivotal role in properly growing food. When you are hungry or need a particular food item you simply go outside to get it. Another key concept is being able to repair things yourself. Whenever your car breaks down or you need to change a part of your home, knowing how to apply the mechanics and carpentry is truly a valuable skill.
The problem in our society today is that we are becoming more and more dependent on outside sources and we are no longer capable of living on our own. This fact is becoming more apparent even on a larger scale, where countries on a global scale are exchanging goods. Exporting and importing different products now makes it so that countries are now dependent on each other. The aspect of globalization, which is praised by so many has negative affects as well. Wendell Berry highlights various problems in our changing world, and it is clear the ability to “do it yourself” is something of the past.